Tuesday, December 17, 2019


I’m calling this piece ‘Meds 1’ after the use of meditation to create from.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Automatic Drawing

Here are a couple of examples of drawing as meditation that I did this week in response to a video on Automatic Drawing. In the first one, I sat quietly and made random marks on paper with pen. Then just dragged my brush through various colors left over in my palette and mindlessly dabbed on top of the ink.
I think I rushed a bit as I was eager to feel something from this process. When I finished I felt unsatisfied and not a bit calmer.

The second time I used a soft pencil and took more time.  I had emptied my mind. I put on music and consciously focused. When  I finished, I was much improved. I had a glimpse of how it felt when I first started making art.


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Happy Hour At The Home

They love their snacks and beverages. A lot of red wine being consumed.