Sunday, October 27, 2019

The hand is quicker than the I

Well I don’t have a caption for this one. The story is unclear as my mind went many places.
It started with Michele’s post, “Creative Boundary” which had got me thinking about words related to boundaries like edges, borders, limits, containers; and that took me to respecting, appropriate, fitting, spilling over. All the while I was sketching and doodling, letting my hand go where it wanted to.
At some point I had an idea about TV broadcasts having to be the correct size so that we can view appropriately...
Anyway, I drew a number of pics on this theme. My hand had a mind of it’s own. There were a number of doodles then. I can’t explain what happened next, so I’ve just posted the result. Perhaps you can come up with a caption? Or maybe you can explain using quantum physics? Beats me. Sometimes the hand is quicker than the I.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hear the birds?

There are tons of birds outside my window making a racket. I played with the idea of what they could be saying. I have a list of ideas, but nothing seemed funny except this one. What do you think? Is it funny? It’s not easy to be funny!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019